About Me

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A funny, outgoing legendary trampoline freak breaking out of Gillingham to soul search his manhood in UK's cousin down south, the good 'ol Aussie!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas and New Years

What a month December was!!!!!
Finished off work and then hade a few xmas parties and meals and so forth. Had a great indian meal which seemed to go on forever. Nothing washes down curry quite like alcoholic slushys.

Christmas eve was spent wandering melbourne in 30 degree heat and eating outside and visiting a casino. Came out with exactly the same money as i went in so i didnt see that as too bad.....

Christmas day was spent having a great meal in lovely weather and then a family gathering with Jarrods lot in the aftrenoon/evening - was such a nice experience and made me smile and helped in missing people back home.

The week between christmas and now was spent in Jan Juc in Torquey at a caravn park and was filled with great times, drunken and sober and some great days at the beach. Swimming in the sea thatfeels like a bath is amazing. Great waves too but a rather interesting story regarding loss of shorts and underwater meeting with another lady...... wooopssssss.....God dam powerful waves!!!!!!

New Years eve was great and can be summed up in the following - Cider, BBQ, Snapper Wedges,Bucket of Shots begin - 5 mins later bucket of shots finish....... Walk to beach for fireworks walk back , glow sticks, Barry White.  Done !!!!!!

Roll on January and my birthday and Australia Day

Much Love All xxx