About Me

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A funny, outgoing legendary trampoline freak breaking out of Gillingham to soul search his manhood in UK's cousin down south, the good 'ol Aussie!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Still Going Strong

Hey Guys

Still going strong and really enjoying my time in Melbourne!

Really getting into my coaching and loving interacting with Cheltenham Youth Club! Great Coaches and Great People.

I am also getting into more education side as well and will be hosting a seminar to help junior coaches in January - very excited!!!! Will have a power point and everything hahahahahaha

Loving the opportunities i am receiving!!!

Will speak again soon

James x

Saturday, October 1, 2011

FInally a new post


Sorry again, that it has taken so long!!!!!

What a crazy few weeks - i settled down to doing some work at CYC (the trampoline club) and am really enjoying myself - fantastic coaches and athletes!!!! Really enjoying working with them all and hopefully my crazy english motivating standards are of some use!!!!! We recently travelled to Adelaide for the National Trampoline Championships and the team did really well. Completely different to British Nationals and really enjoyable........... I was by far the best chanter in the room and Team Victoria out sung the other states!!!! Never before has my rhyming capabilities been used so much!!!!!!! Adelaide however is a really long drive and I am pretty sure it is like driving to top of Scotland from Kent!!!!!! We are now back home in Melbourne and I have experienced my first AFL grand final - GGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOO GGGGGGEEEEEELLLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!
Very fast paced and exciting but i must say nothing sets off a final than dropping by the pub for a power 30 mins to have 3 schooners of beer a sambucca and a jager meister!!!!!!!!!!! Good times!!!!

I will remind again that most of my pictures are going to facebook instead of blog cause it appears much easier but will try to get a few up here too

Much Love everybody

JC x